A New Dawn
Education 4.0 is based on the primary concept of non-traditional thinking. It is an approach that combines traditional education systems with Industry 4.0. Education 4.0 resides on the combination of emerging technologies, i.e. Artificial Intelligence, Smart Technology, Robotics, and Cyber-Physical Systems.
So, the basic idea about Education 4.0 is enabling the workforce to serve the needs of Industry 4.0. It will, also, enable students to vast information content rather than just depending on the textbook or syllabi. It is said that Education 4.0 will play a major role to design a roadmap for the Future of Education which is known as Personalized Education. The framework decided for Education 4.0 is very extensive, so is its output. Let’s go through some of its major motives:

A New Approach to Learning
Education 4.0 focuses more on combining learning and teaching methods with the skills required in further education or workplaces. It leads to the new concept of Personalized Learning. The ability of individual students will be assessed based on which, the difficulty of tasks/ syllabus will be decided. This will give comfort to students to learn at their own pace. It will eventually result in a better understanding of the concept and then enhanced output. Technology such as Data Analytics can be used widely to study the outcome of individual students. It will help teachers/ guides to assist and evaluate students in a more effective manner.
As students will be exposed to a wide range of information and knowledge, the role of teachers will remain fundamental. Teachers will be drawing a roadmap through extensive information, to reach the desired goal. Education 4.0 is nothing but Students Centric Learning.
Educational Tools to The Rescue
This is where advancements in technology play a major role. All the technologies we discussed before are helpful to develop new tools and gadgets that can benefit students, teachers as well as administrations. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been truly a game-changer. Technologies like Augmented Reality (AR), 3D Printing can bring a drastic change in traditional teaching activities. We have already seen the increased interest of students when schools started using projectors, presentations instead of simple boards.
The use of AI can bring a complete laboratory setup virtually, without costing a single rupee. 3D Printers can be used to develop miniature models, which students can relate to while learning new concepts. The technologies will bring education to the student’s comfort zone, which will imply generating his/her interests in a particular concept. Demonstrative Education will be a fascinating concept. The digital revolution has bought smartphones and high-speed internet to almost every house. Networking when aligned with education can encourage students to start learning even remotely.

Output Oriented Learning
As discussed, the main idea of Education 4.0 is to create a skilled workforce that will be able to cope up with current industry and technology trends. To achieve this goal, education patterns should be made project-oriented and students should be exposed to more field experiments. Students will be encouraged to make more and more projects, which can increase their tech-oriented skills. Schools can introduce small projects, field visits to increase communication between students and industry experts. In this way, students will be prepared well according to their real academic or professional interests.
Indian Education System and Education 4.0
With the digital economy booming, Indian Education Systems are gearing up to enter into technology-oriented models leaving behind traditional methods. Injecting Education 4.0 models in our system will be a never-seen boost to education models. As we all know, the only criteria global research institutes use to evaluate a particular curriculum is its relativity with current industry trends.
India is the world’s biggest workforce system. If we train our future engineers, doctors, architects, scientists, economists according to current industry trends, it will be a perfect match on global platforms. Increased network connectivity, increased awareness about global trends, and an extreme urge to produce a workforce that can compete with global industry standards, are few reasons that are pushing Indian Educational Systems to adopt Education 4.0 model. If started with proper planning, the days are not far, when we can have a batch of empowered aspirants to cope up with Industrial Revolution 4.0.