Pre-School to 2nd Std.

“School use innovative ways of teaching children to help them grow holistically.”

Preschool is the first place in a child’s life where he/she is away from parental care and comfort. It is where kids learn to explore their senses, interact with peers, and start gaining valuable life lessons. Preschools play a key role in early childhood development and help students to build a strong foundation for the rest of their lives.

From developing a positive learning attitude to helping them read, write, speak, and comprehend, preschools give their students a good head-start for lifelong learning. The training that children gain in a preschool becomes the foundation for their growth for the rest of their lives.

Hindavi public School always considers the group of 3 to 8-year kids and design policy for their all-around development and welfare. This 3 to 8 age group is very sensitive, and their learning ability is very excellent. By considering all these things, the school has developed its own syllabus for or a foundational section.

Schools always try to develop their fine motor skill and gross motor skill.

  • School focuses on the development of LSRW (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) skills among the students.
  • Teachers use the Play way method and constructivism for developing these skills.
  • School begins with prayer, national anthem, yoga, Omkar, shlokas, warm-up activity, etc. Schools try to inculcate different values among the HINDAVIANS through these activities.
  • We use different resources like smart boards, videos prepared by teachers, puppets, flashcards, fun and joy garden, a word wall, etc

The interactive method of teaching encourages children to be active in their learning process. There are four ways teachers can create an interactive learning environment:

There is interactive teaching for a better understanding of different concepts. The teacher pays attention to the following things.

  • Hands-on demonstrations and activities
  • Student-to-student interactions
  • Student-teacher interactions
  • Use of audio-visuals

Research has shown that using any of the methods mentioned above improves children’s retention of their learning. Aside from memory retention, interactive teaching makes the lessons interesting hence improving students’ attendance. When children are young, they must enjoy what they are doing because they become more curious and interested in the activity or subject.

Interactive teaching also aids in student-teacher engagement and peer-to-peer engagement. When a teacher does an activity with the students, they get to know the student better and tailor more exercises according to their strengths and interests.

It is equally important to encourage students to participate in group activities either as a class, in pairs, or in groups of five. This enhances their social skills and builds a teamwork culture, which are essential skills a student will need in the future.

Learning through play is the most common interactive teaching method used by early childhood educators. All games are learning games, and they promote specific skills such as memory, senses, math and language skills, and many others. It is important to note that the interactive teaching method can be applied both inside and outside the classroom.

The school involves parents’ contribution in most activities and programs.

Like this foundational section tries there their best for the development of small HINDAVIANS.

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